2025 Dates: April 19-25

Join us for our eighth annual Every Day is Earth Day Festival.
Our theme for this year is:
“Celebrate the Magic of Nature”

Every Day is Earth Day. This event celebrates the people, organizations, and businesses that uphold our sustainable culture in Door County and beyond. 

While our festival is a one-weekend celebration, we’re excited to extend the impact of the amazing organizations and events featured throughout Earth Month in Door County. The Every Day Is Earth Day Festival is just the beginning of a month-long journey to celebrate and honor the environment.


While our festival is a one-weekend celebration, we’re excited to extend the impact of the amazing organizations and events featured throughout the year in Door County.

The Every Day Is Earth Day Festival is just the beginning of a year long event to celebrate and honor the environment.

Join us for our 8th Annual
Every Day is Earth Day Festival

Join us for the Every Day is Earth Day Festival this spring, a celebration of sustainability, community, and environmental awareness!

The festival will feature a variety of engaging activities, including exhibits, presentations, live music, and thought-provoking discussions. From Earth Day festivities to a climate forum and special performances, there's something for everyone to enjoy and get inspired to take action for the planet.

Don’t miss this chance to connect with others and celebrate Earth Month in Door County!

Saturday, April 19

Every Day is Earth Day Festival

9am -6pm FREE - Kress Pavilion

As the day unfolds, enjoy live music from curated musicians, expert presentations on how to restore yards, land and public spaces to become native based and the importance of pollinators and birds, and booths from some of Door County's leading eco-conscious organizations. Plus, we’ll be giving out free trees and hosting our first ever pollinator plant sale.

  • "If we human beings learn to see the intricacies that bind one part of a natural system to another and then to us, we will no longer argue about the importance of wilderness protection, or over the question of saving endangered species, or how human communities must base their economic futures - not on short-term exploitation - but on long-term, sustainable development."

    • Gaylord Nelson

  • "There is no domestic issue more important to America in the long run than the conservation and proper use of our natural resources, including fresh water, clean air, tillable soil, forests, wilderness, habitat for wildlife, minerals and recreational assets."

    • Gaylord Nelson

  • "Reaching a general understanding that sustainability is the ultimate issue will finally bring us face-to-face with the political challenge of forging a sustainable society during the next few decades. It is a challenge we can meet if we have the leadership and the political will to do so."

    • Gaylord Nelson